A Mother’s Love: A Goodbye to My Mother

In the hush of the church, we gather near,
To honor a mother, we hold dear.
In the tapestry of her life, we see,
A love that was boundless, pure, and free.

She chose to adopt us, a gift so grand,
A mother’s love, a guiding hand.
Through moments when I wasn’t lovable,
She saw the light within, unmovable.

Her support, a pillar strong and true,
Pushing me to be my best, to pursue
The dreams that danced within my soul,
Her belief in me making me whole.

In the trials of life, she stood by my side,
Her presence a comfort, a gentle guide.
Through hardships and triumphs, highs and lows,
Her kindness and gentleness forever shows.

In her arms, I found solace and peace,
A mother’s love that’ll never cease.
Her words, a balm to my weary heart,
In her love, I found my part.

She was always there when I needed her most,
Her love a beacon, a comforting host.
In her unwavering love, I found my home,
A mother’s love, forever known.

As we bid her farewell, with heavy hearts,
We know her love will never depart.
In the memories we hold dear,
Her love, her kindness, forever near.

In the garden of our hearts, she’ll bloom,
A mother’s love, a love that consumes.
Her legacy of love, forever strong,
In her embrace, we’ll forever belong.

One response to “A Mother’s Love: A Goodbye to My Mother”

  1. This is beautiful. Thank you!


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