Eulogy for My Mother

Good evening, family and friends. Today, we gather to celebrate the life and legacy of a remarkable woman, our beloved mother Jane Alderink. As I stand before you, my heart is heavy with sorrow, yet filled with gratitude for the privilege of calling her my mother.

Our mother was a beacon of love, kindness, and strength. She touched the lives of all who knew her with her unwavering compassion and gentle spirit. From the moment she adopted my sister and I and brought us home, she embraced us with a love that knew no bounds, guiding us with wisdom and grace through the highs and lows of life.

Her love was a constant presence in our lives, a source of comfort and solace in times of joy and sorrow. She taught us the value of empathy, resilience, and perseverance, leading by example with her unwavering dedication to her family and her unwavering commitment to her values.

Our mother’s kindness knew no limits. She had a way of making everyone feel seen, heard, and loved, with a warm smile and a listening ear that could brighten even the darkest of days. Her generosity and selflessness inspired me to be a better person, to extend a helping hand to those in need, and to spread love and compassion wherever we go.

In her strength, our mother faced life’s challenges with courage and grace. She weathered storms with a quiet resolve and an unshakable faith that carried her through even the toughest times. Her resilience was a testament to the power of love, family, and unwavering faith, a legacy that will live on in all of us who were fortunate enough to know her.

As Mary and I bid farewell to our mother today, we take comfort in knowing that her love will live on in the memories we shared, the lessons she taught, and the values she instilled in us, and her grandchildren. Though she may no longer be with us in body, her spirit will forever guide and inspire us, a gentle presence that will always be felt in the depths of our heart.

To my dear mother, thank you for the gift of your love, your wisdom, and your unwavering presence in my life. I will carry your memory with me always, cherishing the moments we shared and honoring your legacy in all that I do. May you rest in peace, knowing that your love will forever be cherished and remembered by all who knew you.

Thank you, Jane, for being my mother, my guiding light, and my greatest inspiration. Your love will live on in me and in all those whose lives you touched. You were the perfect mother for Mary and I, and the greatest grandmother to Karlee, Heaven, SJ, Adira, Phoenix, and Freya. Thank you for not only the gift of being our mother, but the gift of being their grandmother. Your legacy of gentleness and kindness will live on in Mary and I, and our children. Farewell mom, until we meet again in heaven, I hope you are up there with the people that you love, celebrating and dancing with Jesus.

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