
In the shadow of sorrow, a monster is born,
Shaped by the words of hurt and scorn.
A mother-in-law’s eyes filled with disdain,
A heart torn asunder by emotional pain.

In the depths of darkness, a breakdown’s embrace,
A fragile soul in need of grace.
But instead of compassion, understanding, and love,
The monster emerges, fueled by the push and shove.

Attacks like daggers, cutting deep,
The monster weeps, unable to sleep.
The weight of judgment, heavy and cruel,
In the eyes of the mother-in-law, a scornful fuel.

The monster is not a creature of malice or hate,
But a soul in torment, sealed by fate.
Yearning for kindness, for a gentle touch,
But met with cruelty, a hurt that’s too much.

In the echoes of pain, a silent plea,
For understanding, for empathy.
The monster longs to break free,
From the chains of judgment, to just be.

So let the monster be seen, be heard,
In the depths of despair, a wounded bird.
May compassion and love replace the scorn,
And in the healing light, a new day is born.

One response to “Monster”

  1. This is very good. It is interesting how you play with the word monster. It could be the mother-in-law, it could be how the person who is the object of her scorn is feeling–like a monster. I feel like a monster lately.

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