Speaking Truth

This post is one of frustration and anger. No matter if we have no contact or not Sue wants to stir the pot. I have been told my side of the story is lies so I am going to speak my truth and whoever can take it however they want.

I have a monster-in-law. My husband’s mother, Susan (AKA Sue), hates me for whatever reason. I know the reason, I took her baby boy away from her family, the same reason she hates her sister-in-law because she took her brother away. It boils down to control. I married her baby boy and now she cannot control him anymore so she takes it out on me.

Instead of being there for me during a mental breakdown, Sue decided she would paint me as a monster. While I was unconscious on my way to the hospital she was busy calling my husband and telling him to divorce me. If you have read “Welcome to my Nightmare” and “Welcome to my Nightmare Part 2” you know all about this. What you don’t know is that when my husband tried to explain to Sue how this all made me feel she screamed at him “I don’t care about her feelings!” That is very clear Susan.

Despite us going no contact, Susan cannot let it go. She continues to harass our family. She stalks my Facebook, my Tiktok, this blog… she drives by our house, and she calls CPS. CPS has now received two false complaints from Susan. They are handling it. News flash, false CPS reports are the equivalent of false police reports and have a punishment of 90 days in jail and a fine, and our worker isn’t taking it lightly, she has asked her supervisor to bring forth charges.

Susan’s family is no better. They follow her blindly and take her word for it. She says she didn’t call CPS so it must be true. I’m painted as this big bad monster that tore the family apart by marrying Jordan. Susan can get away with her lies, control tactics, and manipulation.

What kind of miserable person does this? She plays victim. She kicked my husband out of her home just 6 weeks before he went into the Navy bootcamp but turns around and tells everyone he left. She told him to leave the keys and he does but suddenly that is him turning his back on the family. She lies. She continues to lie and get away with it.

This isn’t the first time. Susan has done this before, to my husband, to her sister-in-law, to my husband’s stepmother, and now to me. If you don’t fit into Susan’s little box of what she thinks perfection is then you are a monster. She is allowed to have depression and take medication for it, depression caused by “her baby boy leaving”, again he didn’t leave, she kicked him out, but if you anyone else has a mental illness it’s not allowed or fake. She gives herself a free pass at anything and everything but how dare you have the same.

How dare anyone speak up and speak out against this family’s abuse! How dare anyone have a voice or opinion that is different. Their whole family can do and say as they please, treat anyone how ever they please, but no one can stand up to them, if they do then they are ostracized and attacked.

I won’t be controlled. I won’t be bullied into silence. I will speak my truth, whether they choose to hear it or not. My husband tried, it fell on deaf ears. Jordan’s aunt said “I will make sure your truth is heard.” and in that very same breath denied what Sue has done and shifted the blame to his stepmother.

Stepmother, they won’t ever let her forget that and remind her to “stay in her lane”. Hurtful, just pure hurtful to always throw in someone’s face they are “just” the stepmother. They don’t care. They never will. Feelings do not matter to this family unless they are their own feelings. That’s been made obvious.

Sue sure doesn’t even care about her own son’s feelings. She claims to be “such a wonderful mom” but she won’t even hear her son out, instead she screams at him over the phone and gaslights him. She uses tactics to MAKE him bow to her will. It won’t work anymore.

Anger. Jordan is angry and hurt, rightfully so. He is 30 years old and still being out in the middle of his mother and father’s divorce, put there by his mother mind you. The same mother who didn’t want to be married to his father. The same mother who cheated on his father but cannot stand to be in the same room as the woman he married after her. How fitting that Sue and Dan (both cheaters) found each other.

Sides. Their side, our side, mom’s side, dad’s side, always has to be sides. There aren’t sides to Jordan and myself, it’s all family. They won’t allow this, we are forced to pick a side and it better be their side or you are a traitor.

What Sue doesn’t realize is this doesn’t hurt me. It does, however, hurt her son and innocent children. She doesn’t care though. All she cares about is trying to get her own way and making those around her do what she wants. It won’t work. Not this time. All she is doing is pushing him and the kids further away, me I am already gone, there’s no fixing this for me, but she’s making a relationship with her son and his children irreparable. That is the truth. Take it how you will, do what you will with it, but I’ll continue to speak the truth.

2 responses to “Speaking Truth”

  1. Thank you for sticking up for me, for seeing me. I feel so bad that all this has happened and that no one can seem to get through to Sue. I have never liked her, that’s true, but I always wanted Jordan (and his wife & kids) to have a good relationship with his mom, just not at the expensive of his relationship with his dad and I. He should have never been put in the position of having to make a choice. That is in no way fair. The Woodruff family can malign me all they want– yes, I’ve made mistakes–but it still doesn’t make everything alright, it doesn’t erase the hurt Sue has caused you, Jordan, and the kids. As far as the whole CPS ordeal is concerned, I will meet with them at anytime and do anything to assure you and Jordan that it was not me that made the false allegations.

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    1. We know the truth, there is no need to assure us of anything. Nothing can erase the hurt caused. I think we have passed the point of repairing this. I think now she must live in the bed she created. It’s sad, it’s down right heartbreaking. All I wanted was to bring both “sides” together and just be FAMILY but Susan cannot allow that, it would require her to own up to her own mistakes and flaws and that she cannot do.


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