Life with BPD

Navigating life with Borderline Personality Disorder,
A journey of highs and lows, of emotions stirred.
The relief of a diagnosis, a name for what I feel,
But with it, a wave of fear, the unknown surreal.

To finally have clarity, to understand the why,
Relief washes over, like a gentle sigh.
No longer lost in the sea of emotions unexplained,
A path to healing, a sense regained.

But with the diagnosis comes a weight,
The fear of stigma, the judgments so great.
Misunderstood by many, labeled as “too much,”
A stigma that stings, a hurtful touch.

The rollercoaster of emotions, the intense highs and lows,
The fear of abandonment, the turmoil it bestows.
Navigating relationships, a challenge each day,
The fear of rejection never far away.

But in the face of judgment, in the shadow of stigma,
I stand strong, a warrior, an enigma.
For my diagnosis does not define who I am,
A complex soul, a multifaceted gem.

In the blog of life with BPD, I share my truth,
A journey of healing, of resilience, of youth.
To break the silence, to shatter the shame,
To rise above, to reclaim my name.

So here I stand, unapologetically me,
Navigating life with BPD, wild and free.
In the face of fear and stigma, I find my voice,
A beacon of hope, a reason to rejoice.

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