Raising Daughters

Raising daughters, a journey profound,
Nurturing souls in a world unbound.
To be kind and gentle, a touch so light,
In their hearts, a beacon of love so bright.

Resilience instilled, in each trial faced,
A lesson in strength, a spirit embraced.
Perseverance in the face of strife,
To stand tall, to embrace life.

Courage and strength, a fire within,
To face the world with a fearless grin.
To love others, to spread kindness far and wide,
In their hearts, compassion as their guide.

Chasing dreams, reaching for the stars above,
Encouraging them to soar, to fly free like a dove.
To fight for what’s right, to stand up and be brave,
In their voices, a power to save.

Raising daughters, a privilege so grand,
In their hearts, a love so grand.
To watch them grow, to see them shine,
In their journey, a life divine.

So let us raise our daughters with care,
In their hearts, a love so rare.
Kind, gentle, resilient, and strong,
In their journey, they truly belong.

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